
pomelo goes Canada

un... okay... that doesn't rhyme as well as pomelo goes Tokyo... not to say it doesn't rhyme at all.

I'm leaving to Canada on Sunday and until then I have to work my ass off for my part-time job. they don't have enough people right now, so I have to do more work. I just finished work for today, and feel like a jellyfish. The next days will be very busy with packing, organizing the next semester and work, so I probably won't post until I come back.
Maybe if I have a bit of time in Canada I'll maybe post a few fotos.... not xD.  I'm not sure how often I'll be able to access the internet and to be honest I want to enjoy my vacation properly and stay away from the screen for a bit. I'll even turn off my beloved smartphone.

I'll be back on the 18th, with a post and probably with a ton of pictures!

And before I forget it: 632... thanks for your sms today it gave me such a good laugh. Charlie and Pablo forever. You're awesome! (I hope you read this)

1 comment:

Roxi said...

Ich hab's gelesen! Ich hab's gelesen! :D
Pablo's picture maid MY day! xD