
Thoughts on 2010

It's 00:28 right now. Today is the last year of 2010. I'm tired. And when I'm tired, I'm really emotional.

In 2010 I've lived in 4 different cities: Tokyo, Offenburg, Hamburg and my home town. A record I'll most probably will never be able to break.
Not that I want to. I

Ever since I've returned to Germany there hasn't been a day that I didn't miss Japan. And I realize that I start to forget some of our inside jokes. That I can't remember all shops in our Street in Shinjuku. It's like I'm starting to forget parts of one of the most precious memories in my life.

In 2010 I had to leave people and things behind that I never wanted to abandon. Friends. The Feeling of being treasured and accepted. A place that made me feel free.

I'd probably still be all stupid emo kid if Hamburg wasn't so... subarashii :D Great people, great place. My second Tokyo. Just 600km away from home.

Hope 2011 will be as interesting as 2010. Without moving around so much xD

My New Year's resolution? The same as always: Losing weight and being a better person. (never works though xD)

I'll soon make a decision about the future of this blog. I love blogging so much and I invested so much time in this blog.
But... if something you do is obviously a failure... shouldn't you accept that and stop it?


10 points XVIII: Favourite songs of 2010

Yay finally a 10 points again. In English - just because I feel like it :D

Most of my favourite songs of 2010 were Kpop songs. I'm sure that -LIKE ALWAYS- some people will say that Kpop isn't real music, that I don't understand the words and that I'm superficial because just everything about these songs is soooo mainstream and so on and so an. And I basically have 1 million arguments against you ranting. But I won't say anything to defend the things I like anymore. Because I'm sick of it. And because, seriously, I don't care what you think about it any more.

  • Robyn - Dancing on my own. Robyn's Bodytalk (pt. 1, 2 and 3) is my favourite album of the year. And one of my favourite albums ever. I could make this whole list just with Robyn songs. But I decided to take just 1 song per artist. Some more brilliant songs are: Cry when you get older, Time Machine, Indestructible, Hang with me, Criminal Intent, ect.

  • SHINee - Lucifer. Because of the song and it's concept. Because of Jonghyuns and Onews voice. Because of Keys half Mohawk and his inner diva. Because of Taemins Dancing. And because Minhos is touching himself...xD

  • The Wombats - Tokyo. My favourite Band. My friends gave me tickets for their concert in Hamburg in April for my birthday. If you love me let me go back to the bar in Tokyo where the demons from my past leave me in peace.

  • miss A - Breathe. If you need reasons, read this.

  • Wir sind Helden - Bring mich nach Hause, from their wonderful album with the same title and a lot of goods songs. Went to their awesome concert in Hamburg in November!

  • Taeyang - I'll be there (Korean Version). Sexiest Zombie Shit EVER.

  • Big Bang - Lollipop. Perverted song with a cute video. It was stuck in my head for weeks... okay scratch that....months.

  • 2pm - Without U. To be honest. I couldn't really decide if I like "without U" or "I'll be back" better. I chose "Without U" for three reasons. 1. Less Guyliner 2. Better dance 3. "I'm gonna be okay..without you" is a message I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear that they'll be okay as a 6-person-group. Because I believe, that even if they're not 7 anymore and never will be 7 again, they're still 2pm, and I'll support them.

  • Vast - Pretty when you cry. I'm quite sure that this song wasn't released in 2010, but it was featured in the 2010 movie "Wir sind die Nacht" and that's where I first heard it. And started to love it.

  • 2NE1 - Can't nobody. 2NE1 is awesome. Period. (even if minzy's part in this mv is a little bit too ganster for my taste)

Okay probably I forgot some songs I really loved in 2010... but I can't check which songs I listened to the most because my laptop broke down. dun dun. u.u


Völlig sinnlose und unzusammenhängende Handybilder der letzten 1 1/2 - 2 Monate

Ja, ich lebe.

Ich weiß ich hab lang nicht gebloggt, aber ich denke ich habe mich in vorhergehenden Posts schon genug über den Stress an der Uni ausgelassen und bin somit entschuldigt :D

So. Weil ich zu faul bin zusammenzufassen was in der letzten Zeit passiert ist: seltsame Fotos in schlecht Quali (wer liebt sowas nicht?! ^^)

Discokugelherde! An der Decke des "Hörsaals" auf Sankt Pauli ^^

angestrackte Japos auf einer Rolltreppe

Japos auf Vivis Couch

Süßestes Notizheft alle Zeiten! Big Bang!

und nochmal von der anderen Seite Vivi und Latané in der Mensa. Warum so unglücklich?


Papierschiffchen in einem Meer aus Mensasalatsoße!

schneeiger Weg zur Uni :)

Weihnachtsmarkt auf dem Rathausplatz!

Hauptbahnhof Hamburg :)

Extrem cooler Drach von Katty (mal wieder in Landeskunde)

Skript und Davinas Hand ^^

"Manche nennen es Gott. Wir nennen es Sankt Pauli."

verschmähte Liebe an der Bushaltestell. Traurig.

Hello Kitty Store :)

Halloweenabend. Die Telefonzelle wollte wohl jemanden nichts süßes geben und hat deswegen saures gekriegt.

Daifuku FTW!

Mit an Sicherheit grenzender Wahrscheinlichkeit das süßeste Tattoo aller Zeiten.

Demo gegen Studiengebühren und Kürzungspolitik des Senats. Kein Wunder, dass ichs ein bisschen kalt fand. Abends erfuhr ich, dass an dem Tag viele Schulen wegen Kälte geschlossen blieben. xD